Resident Questions for Housing Area Panel



Date question raised


Date of Area Panel


Area in city


Star rating applied by residents

2 star – local area issue

Deadline for officer response


Name of officer responding

Rob Walker

Officer job title

Head of Operations, CityParks & CityClean

Title of Question:

Grass Verges


Grass verges are overgrown in Hollingdean, and other areas

around the city.




In some places, the grass is waist high. It is not possible to contact City Parks department or to speak to someone directly. 10 grass cuts per year are due, but some places have not had this.


Action requested by residents:

When are the grass verges going to be cut in North Area?

Officer Response: Robert Walker


Officer contact details:



City Parks can be contacted through 01273 292929 and the email address is This can also be found on the Council website.


I have been advised by colleagues that housing grass cutting in the Hollingdean area is reasonable (we are aware of one problem area) so we think the question might be regarding road verges.


The council is currently struggling to employ gardeners. This is due to a shortage in manual workers following Brexit and low pay.  There were planned alterations to verge mowing this year aimed at increasing their wildlife value whilst not letting them get too long, however the cuts that should have been implemented under this revised mowing regime have not happened in parts of the City.


We have used the underspend on staff salaries to employ contractors to cut the verges. Directly employed staff have been cutting sight lines on the verges in the area but large areas have been left uncut. Contractors will be in the area cutting the verges towards the end of next week.


Specific Action:




Contractors will be in the area cutting the verges towards the end of next week.



Start date:


End date:
